Saturday, October 07, 2006

Sick Day

Yesterday morning, I woke up with a slight headache. Went straight to the shower, washed my hair hoping that my headache will subsequently go away. Whilst driving to work it got worse and by the time I reached the office, I felt giddy, lethargic and felt like vomitting. The air-condition at the office worsened my condition as it was too cold and I did not bring my shawl or jacket along. Tried to bury myself into work just to forget the throbbing pain but by 11.oo a.m. it was unbearable. Decided to go the clinic at the ground floor of my office building and got to see the doctor after waited for almost half an hour. The doc was male though I hoped to see the female doctor. Told the doctor my situation but I didn't see this coming..

Doc : Are you pregnant?

Me : (My eyebrow raised)

Doc : It's just that normally if you are pregnant, you'll feel this nausea, vomitting etc in the morning.

Me : Ooo..ok

Doc : Have you had any children?

Me : No

Doc : Are you married (Ahh...finally the question he should've asked in the first place)

He checked my BP and it was slightly low than normal. Checked my eyes, tounge, the palm of my hands and pressed the tips of my fingers. His conclusion was I am not anaemic but dehydrated. I was given Ponston, T.Moloxon and Oral Rehydration Salt for dehydration and to help increase my BP.

I still continued with my fasting and after seeing the doctor I felt much better even without taking any the medicine prescribed. I think it's a psychology thing. Receiving a call from a close friend during my UiTM days made me felt much much better. Her usual chatty happy go lucky ways made me forget the pain for a while. After breaking fast, took my medicine and went to bed after Maghrib prayer. Missed Tarawih that night....


Anonymous said...

Kesiannnyyaaaa............... hope u recover soon. kalau dahh tidur since lepas maghrib semalam, sure la ni dah sihat, segar bugar kan? sure dah boleh jalan2 pi shooping raya.... hikssss... nice weather today tapi hazy... Doc tu pakai tanya jer u pregnant, maybe dia terperasan perut u 'buncit' kottt... hiksss... cuba u tengok kat cermin...

Nurul Abid said...

I m feeling better today..Thanks...I admit mmg waistline ada baby fat (it's every woman's weak area) tapi sejak puasa ni dah reducedlah. I have lost weight tapi tak tahu berapa sbb malas nak timbang. At the end of Ramadhan baru timbang. Doctor 2 rabun ler kite rase...kih..kih..kih

zali said...

Dah sihat??? How come the Dr tu blh simply tanya soalan mcm tu? i consider that rude... nasib baik u nih cool ajer..

saja jer jengok2 blog org.. bosan kat sini tak der benda nak buat... hahahah

Nurul Abid said...

Zali - dah ok tapi penyakit lain yg dtg. I didn't take it personally when the doc made that remark. The symptoms I had were probably similar to morning sickness.

Biasalah kalau baru sampai tempat orang, foreign pulak 2. Lama2 nanti, I m sure u'll make new frenz and start involving in activities there. If not, that's what cyberfrens r 4, kan?

perjalanan hidup said...

hi nurul! ayo rush! tak sayang molot panggil orang buncit. dia tu? haha. nasihat aku banyakkan minum air di bulan puasa ni. jaga diri baik-baik ek.

ZaKiN said...

Huhuhu..aku penah gak kena cengitu.. doktor pon tanya.. pregnant ke? uikss..ader ke patut.. malas aku nak jawab.. buat tambah sakit.akhirnya baru aku tau rupanya aku anemia(kurang darah merah).. kurang oksigen dalam darah..!! skrg kalo sakit malas jumpa doktor.. sokmo pertanyaan tak logik.. ekkeke!!

Nurul Abid said...

Pap - kite sedar kite bukan supermodel ade flat tummy. Mmg strive utl lebih byk minum air plus redoxon especially dgn haze yg tak abis2 ni. Bila balik ke Jhr, Pap?

MK/Zac - Anaemic kena byk makan hati or kerang, kan Zac? Biasalah doc ni, kita jumpe dia nak tahu kita penyakit ape tapi tup2 dia yg tanye kite balik...haru betul...Kalau dia tanya lelaki yg boroi samada dia pregnant ke tak, lagi haru kan

perjalanan hidup said...

masa deepavali baru balik jb. mrasa naik plane nanti banyak kelly ng. hik! coti seminggu je. malas nak coti lelama.

pugly said...

Hi, hope you're feeling better already ... I rasa musim kot ... my dad just had similar illness a few days ago ... together with 2 of my neighbours.

Azer Mantessa said...

get well soon.

Nurul Abid said...

Pap - jarang ler kaum kerabat diorg ni naik plane. Tak tahulah kut2 diorg dah upgrade. Apsallah malas nak coti lama2. Kalai kite nak coti dlm seminggu coti tak banyak. Plan nak travel lagi ujung tahun ni. Cukup makan aje.

Pugly - I am ok now. I've heard a lot of ppl getting sick. Haze just aggravate the situation. Hope ur dad has recovered.

Azer - thanks. I am fine now.

ZaKiN said...

haah kalo anemia.. kena makan hati,kerang.. kalo sayur kena sayur bayam merah... dulu aku sakit perot tahap guling2. aku ada masalah time period sbnrnya.. gi klinik swasta.. dikasinya ubat lawas kencing.. ceh.. hampeh betol..!!

Nurul Abid said...

MK - Banyak2lah makan makanan yg boleh generate red blood cell. Bahaye 2 especially time period since ur already losing blood. Kalau banyak exercise, takkan ade masalah period pain like backache, stomachache & mcm2 ache lagilah. Take good care of urself, na.

Anonymous said...

emm...jaga kesihatan bebaik....
doa bebanyak, banyak bersabar...

Nurul Abid said...

Alam Setia - thanks kerna sudi mengunjung. After that day, alhamdulillah sihat walafiat. Cuma stress aje kat opis sejak akhir2 ni.