Friday, September 08, 2006

A Good Week!

Kelmarin aku berpindah ke another cubicle. Yang bestnya sebab secluded and ada privacy memandangkan my work deals a lot with confidential matters. Yang tak bestnya, betul-betul kat depan bilik boss. Bak kata pepatah Melayu, sekangkang kera atau sepelaung aje. Half day gone just moving and re-arranging the files and cabinets. Dahlah tu, pagi-pagi lagi my laptop buat hal, tak boleh nak login to network. Banyak kerja yang tergendala. Contact IT support pun, tengahari baru datang selepas aku berjaya solve the problem on my own. After lunch kat Rivierra (nama glamour untuk food court kat tepi longkang besar), aku singgah kat mini mart in my office building beli 1 box of mini cornetto ice-cream for lelaki-lelaki gagah yang tolong aku move the cabinets. Ice-cream yang selebihnya jadi rebutan yang lain. First come first yang merasalah.

Selepas aku pindah, some people have problems finding me. So, I put up a few signs to direct them to my new cubicle which is just 20 steps away - NURUL HAS MOVED (With an arrow sign)......U'RE GETTING CLOSER (with pictures of footsteps).......ALMOST THERE, ABOUT 5 STEPS AWAY.......CONGRATULATIONS! U'VE FOUND ME. Macam
mini treasure hunt pulak. In spite of the signs, ada yang masih asked people around where am I. I guess either they do not see the signs or some people are just not good at reading signs walaupun aku rasa signs aku tu 'terang lagi bersuluh'. Ramai yang jadi guide tak bertauliah directing these people to my cubicle. Several people teased me about the signs I put up, ala just to add humour in the office.

Minggu ni jugak aku terima call dari headhunter about a managerial job in a UK-based retail company. I told the headhunter I am not interested but she insisted of e-mailing me the job profile. After a couple of days, baru aku berkesempatan accessing my personal e-mail and read the job profile. It looks like a good career move but I'd like to prove myself in this company and I enjoy what I am doing right now. Lagipun, I just joined the company for less than 3 months. I replied to the e-mail and recommended a friend to the headhunter instead.

Alhamdulillah, rezeki aku murah sejak akhir-akhir ni. This is the 10th job opportunities I was being considered for, mostly from MNCs including 5 from oil & gas (the industry where I have worked in for almost 7 years), 2 pharmaceautical companies, 1 FMCG company and 1 each from an Arab-based broadcasting company and service company. I politely told the headhunters/company I did not wish to explore but will let them know if I wish to move on. You have to build a good rapport with them because you'll never know when you will need them. I also pity my friend who never seem to give up persuading me to join her and even willing to pay whatever salary I want just to lure me. But then again, although dollar and cent tu penting, I also value job satisfaction, working environment and quality of working life. To prove that, I gave up a job in an oil & gas company which provides better compensation and benefits package after two and a half weeks to join my current company merely because I like the job scope better.

This morning, on the way to work, sempat aku habiskan baca buku cerita The Undomestic Goddess' whilst stopping at traffic lights and caught in the usual slow moving morning traffic on Federal Highway. Now I can start reading another Sophie Kinsella's 'Can You Keep A Secret' which I just bought last Thursday at MPH.

That morning juga, received sms from sis, Kema 'This Sunday buat apa? Dtg la rumah kita makan. About 11 camtu. Plse confirm - in preparation to cook. Menu nasi lemak dan mee kari (ye la takan steak lak! Tak reti) Sms to confirm. By tomorrow morning'. Tak sempat nak reply sebab busy with work. Petang Kema dah call minta confirmation sebab dia nak pergi beli groceries. I asked her to buy some other things because I plan nak tambah a few dishes especially when she said she dah terover invite people mainly our relatives.

Later in the evening, a friend called and asked me to participate in a focus group study about water purifier where participants will be paid RM60 for 1.5 hour session. Terpaksa turn down sebab firstly, not interested and secondly kena help Kema with her Sunday luncheon.


pugly said...

Hey, good for you that things are just going so well for you :-) Siap kena headhunted dgn UK company lagik ... cayalah!

Nurul Abid said...

Pugly, it's actually a UK-based retail company with several hypermarkets in Malaysia. Having all these opportunities coming at the same time actually put me in great dilemma at times. That's why I rather not pursue them because when you start attending interviews, your anxiety builds up and you are intrigued to find out the outcome and if you are successful, you can't help to consider the offer. So, might as well I do not explore them at all. Apalah yang kite menceceh ni....

pugly said...

Eh, why not? Trust your instinct. If it feels right, I'd say Go for it, girl!. Who knows, it might just be the kind of thing that you'd enjoy doing :-)

Anonymous said...

Orang lain punyalah susah nak dapat kerja, but u.... so lucky, berebut2 org nakkan u...ishhhh... termasuklah si Tan Sri tuu.... (sambil mencebik bibir.... :P

I ni pun baru apply 'part-time' job kat area ni.... ahakkss... macam tamak gituh.

Nurul Abid said...

Pugly - I've decided to stay put. Kalau ada rezeki lagi tak ke mana. Lagipun job-hopping ni will not look good in my cvlah.

Rush - rezeki ni dtg melimpah selepas diuji oleh Tuhan at a point of time. Amat bersyukur & buat I lebih beringat either masa senang or susah. Tan Sri ni lain dr yg lain - unique tapi bukan sugar daddy tau, tak kaya-raya pun. I live on my own money tau. Dia cuma kawan aje, tak mungkin lebih dari e2. U lagilah - buddy2 dgn YAM Tengku lagi compared tu kite, ikan bilis aje.

Lain macam aje kerja 'part-time' u ni. Nak tambah pulus ke, tambah lain? Shell kan has good compensation & benefits package especially in upstream - takkan tak cukup kut.