Sunday, August 13, 2006

Gifts From God

Two of my best friends received gifts from God recently. Sharifah gave birth to a baby boy and a couple of weeks later Sally gave birth to a baby girl. For Sharifah, this is her 3rd child and the first for Sally after 11 years of marriage, fertility treatments and a miscarriage. Sharifah wanted a baby girl made in Australia because she already have 2 boys. Why Australia, beats me. Maybe she wanted a blue-eyed baby girl.

Anyway, I am happy for both of them especially Sally. A year ago was a difficult time for her. After giving up on fertility treatment and left it in the hands of God, she finally got pregnant which ended with a miscarriage when the foetus was about 3 months old, she was devastated. In her forties, her biological clock was ticking. All we could do was gave her shoulder to cry on, comforted her and offered her our sympathy if not empathy. Told her how lucky she was to have such an understanding husband who did not put any pressure on her and stuck by her all these years. Finally her patience paid off, she conceived again, carried her baby to full term and delivered a healthy baby girl.

I have bought gifts for their little ones and am really looking foward to visit them and their babies once they returned from their confinement.

God, I am already daydeaming of having my own little ones......Amin.........


perjalanan hidup said...

nurul. nak baby kena ada hubby dulu. hik!

Unknown said...

Tahniah untuk ke dua2 kawan tu.

Salam kenal dari saya...melompat dari blog BP.

Nurul Abid said...

Pap - part nak cari hubby yang challenging. Maybe this is an overstatement tapi tak ramai yg hubby material zaman sekarang ni. Kena hati2, in the past jumpa yg suka ambil kesempatan atau tak honest. Cinta aje tak cukup, kena jujur & setia dalam relationship. Takut gak pisang berbuah tiga empat kali.

Yus - visited ur blog, bacaan menarik. Ur children r adorable especially Alia. Macam Oshin. My eldest sis pun belajar kat Sheffield dulu and my dad passed away when she was there. Dilemma nak bagitau dia sbb masa 2 dia tgh sit 4 final exam.