Xis - You came into my mind when I first read those quotes. I live by that rule also. It sounds selfish but put yourself first before others. We must be happy before we can make others happy. The saying that "if you are happy, I am happy" is total crap.
I am gonna share something with you which I find enlightening. Will be on its way to your office soon.
Yes I did ask for your address but it did not occur to me to ask for your real name. Anyways I was and still am used to call you by your moniker. Dah terbiasa. Anyways, got your real full name from someone. :)
the 1st and 2nd quotes really mean something to me... thank you for sharing.. :)
Xis - You came into my mind when I first read those quotes. I live by that rule also. It sounds selfish but put yourself first before others. We must be happy before we can make others happy. The saying that "if you are happy, I am happy" is total crap.
I am gonna share something with you which I find enlightening. Will be on its way to your office soon.
Wow... i love the quotes!!! they are totally true!!!
(can i put the quote in my blog too???)
yup... total crap it is.. :) But what will be on the way to my office? Are you emailing me something.. or posting me something? hmm..
Zali - no problemo, it's meant for sharing.
Xis - tungguuuuu, but you need to sms me your real name. Nanti pergi ke orang lain pulak
you don't know my real name yet?? hmm... thought you were the one asking for my address last time..
Yes I did ask for your address but it did not occur to me to ask for your real name. Anyways I was and still am used to call you by your moniker. Dah terbiasa. Anyways, got your real full name from someone. :)
Nurul, these quotes are nice and truly inspirational. i like number 3...yelah, sejak dua menjak lepas resigning from work kan...hehe
Nurul I like the last one...... straight to the point....
Pearl - enjoy your break as much as you can. So, what are you planning to do next? Seronok ler Pato kan....?
Rush - all are my favorites. Anyway, welcome back...
It's very inspiring. Nice post...
I like the 3rd. They really caught my attention.
All the quotes are thought provoking.....
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