Monday, February 18, 2008

Hit The Road, Jack!

This is not addressed to The BF. We are ok and going strong each day in spite of the distance. I am referring to a caller from mobile phone no. +019369xxxx. It all started last Saturday night when a text message from this unfamiliar number came in:-

February 16, 2008
+6019369xxxx : Malam ni futsal tau
Me : Who is this?
+6019369xxxx : Ni orng putih ke..sorry la...! Sy orng malaysia tau (Eh, buat lawak yang tak lawak pulak!)
Me : Ni siapa? Klu x bgtau malas nak layan
+6019369xxxx : Name sy badrul..silap no la! U ni siapa?

At this point, aku malas nak reply coz I don't know anyone by that name. But within the next 10 minutes, there were 3 incoming calls from the number. Aku just pressed button busy rejecting the calls followed by a text message.

Me : Tlg jgn call sy. Sy x kenal sesiapa nama badrul
+6019369xxxx : Ye tahu 2! Sy pun x knl awak, sy ni bkan suka ganggu org 2 pn kebetulan je
+6019369xxxx : Sy nk tel awak skrg ni leh x! lpas 2 sy x akan ganggu awak tau k
Me : Untuk apa? Jgnlah buang masa awk. Sy x berminat. (This was the last text message from me)
+6019369xxxx : Ape la awak ni! Sy pun mcm 2 jugak tau..lgi pn bkan nk jumpa, cuma tel je salah ke
+6019369xxxx : Bleh la ye tel awak ea.
+6019369xxxx : Ye la sy ankat kaki ingat awak ni anak tan seri ke d'tuk

Aku hidup-hidup ingatkan dia betul-betul dah angkat kaki but half an hour later around 11 p.m. he called. I ignored the call and let the phone rang until it stopped.

Just when I thought that would be the last time I would hear from him......

February 17, 2008
+6019369xxxx : Askum (An hour later)
+6019369xxxx : Happy morning

Wah...sungguh persistent betul Mamat ni

February 18, 2008
+6019369xxxx : Hi happy morning, have a nice day pls don't get angrey! As a friend it normal. Las pls forget it k by. new friends.

Honestly I don't know what was he talking about but I hope it means adios! But at noon, I received a picture message of a rose from him. ???????

Some people just don't get it. When someone says no, it's a NOlah! I didn't think I misled him or give him the wrong impression. Tang mana yang tak faham tu entahlah. Nak kena cakap NO in 14 different languages ke, baru nak faham! But I have to give him credit for his persistence though he is just wasting his time and money. Kalau aku reply makin galak pula dia, so I am going to continue ignoring his text messages and calls. Hopefully he got fed up and give up.........


shahril aley said...

wah nurul better berhati2 dengan org macam ni pasal pernah dengar ade perempuan pernah layan panggilan yang tidak dikenali akhirnya diri sendiri tergadai. zaman skrg pelbagai taktik digunakan untuk mencari mangsa tidak kira muda atau tua. akhirnya perempuan tu dah berbadan dua. sedih sungguh dengar kisah itu.

percaya yang u tak akan mudah tertewas dengan helah murahan ini.

Nurul Abid said...

Wah, macam YB bagi ucapanlah. Ala-ala Menteri Sosial & Kebajikan g2. Tulah pasal malas nak layan. Hari ini pun ada terima msg ajak dinner. Memang kemaruk betul Mamat ni.

pugly said...

Babe, you've got stalker! ;-)

Anonymous said...

kan? berderu lelaki datang nak berkenalan. nasib baik dah berpunya. hehe.

Anonymous said...

kan? berderu lelaki datang nak berkenalan. nasib baik dah berpunya. hehe.

shahril aley said...

hahaha YB? tak masuk dalam senarai cita2 masa skolah dulu. tak suka nak mebebel sepanjang masa depan orang ramai & ckp benda benda yg sama. better buat kerja dari banyak bercakap. ada gak hasilnya walau orang tak nampak sapa yang sebenarnya yg kerja keras. i think u layak kot kalau mengikut kpd ur dominant character tu. :) menteri ape ye? menteri kerja raya nak tak?

famil said...

creepykan! but how does he know you're a woman? hi hik

anyway, yeah, just ignore him. lama2 bosa lah tu.

Nurul Abid said...

Pugly - luckily phone aje..kalau tidak harus kena get restraining order..:D

Pap - bila dah attached banyak ler pulak dugaan kan? Tapi in this case, dah attached ke tidak, tetap tak berkenan taktik ni.

Shahril - ayoo, I maybe dominant tapi wa tak minat politik ler.

Famil - ntahler...or maybe dia tu dot dot dot.....mmg buat dek aje tapi till now masih lagi terima text msges from him...isykh..

Anonymous said...

cakap je u ni jantan... hahaha... ask some guys to call him and act as ur bf or husband.... threat to report to police...

or what the heck.. make a police report. (oopss. polis bz for pilihanraya lah)

be careful ok!

Rush Murad said...

buat tak tau jer... as though dia tak wujud.... macam 'mereng' sikit lah kepala budak tu, rasanya budak2 hingusan kot... dia tak tau ker umur u dah XXX, dah leh panggil kak long... lariiikkkkk..........

Nurul Abid said...

Zal - actually I terfikir nak buat what a friend suggested in similar case happened to another gf of mine. Call him and tell him,"stop harrassing my grandmother". Mesti terus turn off...he...he...

P/S: Bilalah I nak ke Doha ni...

Rush - memang I rasa budak hingusan yang meleleh lagi nih...very the old trick...walau dah 33, rupa and body awet muda. Tak percaya, tanya The BF. Kalau u cakap semalam, memang time tu jugak I dah cubit sampai lebam.

izchan said...

one word.
funny. :)

just ignore the sms, these guys tend to go away once they get bored.

Harajuku PearL said...

alamak..memang mamat tu tak tau the meaning of NO...jiwang sorang lah dia..


Anonymous said...

Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Massagem, I hope you enjoy. The address is A hug.

Anonymous said...

maybe he is just one of those skanky asshole from #klsex haha

Anonymous said...

hello. i accidentally browse thru ur pg and terbc this stalker incident. and to my shocked, i think we had the same stalker. mine happened late jan and tiba2 hntr msg "makan kat mana?". i called. he ddnt dare to pickup. i smsed tanya who is it. and the exact same conversation u had promptd back to me. i x layan ah. he called himself abu. sometimes bila x thn i called back. dia jual mhl plak. ceh. i tot he'll get bored kalo x layan but amazingly, credit dia sure menggunung! haha. that is for few weeks nonstop msgs. then once a while every weekend. stop awhile for few weeks, and tiba2 i received a sms "ni sape?" LOL. one hilarious stalker.

ps. i think i miss him =)=)


Nurul Abid said...

I continue to receive text messages from him though less frequent. On the contrary, I do not miss him a bit but I find it rather a nuisance. Ni kira mcm SMS spam lah ni. So qian lah...