Thursday, February 22, 2007

Tagged By Zeyn

6 weirdest thing about it goes.............

1. SPK does not eat durian but like any true Perakian, she eats tempoyak. Pelik tapi benar. Kalau buat tempoyak ikan masin lagi best especially yang my late great grandma buat!!!!!!!!!!

2. SPK geli kalau makan beansprout yang tak buang ekor. Sanggup menghabiskan masa buang ekor taugeh kalau masak masakan yang ada taugeh kat rumah. Kalau makan dekat restaurant mesti request no taugeh sebab for sure diorang guna taugeh yang tak buang ekor. Kalau ada yang masih bubuh taugeh jugak, will take time to pilih and kumpul all the taugeh tepi pinggan.

3. No matter how slow SPK eats she always end up the first to finish.......Orang lain kunyah ikut sunnah Nabi kut atau memang she's the very gelojoh one?

4. Bila kena berdiri lama, SPK tends to cross her legs. Very comfortable.

5. SPK works with papers all over her desk. Kalau tidak, mesti macam rasa otak tak jalan and tak excited nak kerja but she knows where the documents are between the piles of papers. Tapi end of the day, meja mesti clear punya...

6. Last but not least, the reason she calls herself a Serial Plant Killer - takde pokok yang survive in her hands.

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