Thursday, January 18, 2007

The Sweetest Thing

Those who have been waiting in anticipation for my entry on Cairo, Al-Qahirah - Day Two will have to wait for a few more days. I have just finished downloading pictures from my gmail sent by my sister and currently is uploading it to slides. It has also been a hell of a week at the office with multiple deadlines to meet. Bear with me for a few more days.....
Anyhow, this is just a brief and quick entry to thank a fellow blogger, Xis for posting a special entry on his blog sempena my birthday siap dengan a custom-made pic and a lovely poem. I didn't plan to make any entry on my blog on my birthday as it has never been an important and celebrated event for me. Kadang-kadang aku sendiri terlupa sampailah family and friends hantar birthday wishes. Anyhow, a heartfelt thank you to Xis for the sweet thought and kind words. Also, my appreciation to Rush for his thoughtfullness mentioning and wishing me a happy birthday in one of his entries. Definitely this is one of my memorable birthdays which I will truly treasure.

And of course, I truly appreciate the birthday wishes from others - family, friends and bloggers who have sent their birthday wishes via smses, e-mails and comments on the blog.


Xis said...

again.. happy birthday.. Glad you liked that entry... :)

Azhar Ahmad said...

Happy buzzday, humm, sorry, saya silent reder, baca tiap2 hari... tapi tak tau nak tulis apa. Hope someday, i'll be there (Dubai!)

Apapun, jom join JAKUN01, klik kat sini -->

Nurul Abid said...

Xis - yes, I do and deeply touched.

Azhar - terima kasih. Same here, I have been a silent reader of your blog. Interesting writings. I'll check out that link.