Friday, December 15, 2006

Tomorrow Can Be Too Late

Someone sent this to me via friendster and the recipient is supposed to mail this to every person one care about including the one who sent it to you. You will then know that there are people who cares about you that you didn't know. But I thought this is something I should share with everybody and you may be one of those I care about.

If you're mad with someone,
and nobody's there to fix the fix it
Maybe today, that person still wants to be your friend
And if u don't, tomorrow can be too late.

If you're in love with somebody,
but that person doesn't know...tell her/him.
Maybe today, that person is also in love with you.
And if you don't say it, tomorrow can be too late.

If you still love a person
that you think has forgotten you... tell her/him.
Maybe that person has always loved you.
And if you don't tell her/him today,
tomorrow can be too late.

If you need a hug of a friend...ask her/him for it.
may be she/he needs it more than you do.
And if you don't ask for it today,
tomorrow can be too late.

If you really have friends
whom you appreciate...tell them.
Maybe they appreciate you as well.
And if you don't and they leave or go far away today,
tomorrow can be too late.

If you love your parents, and
never had the chance to show them... do it.
Maybe you have them there to show them how you feel.
And if you don't and they leave today,
then tomorrow can be too late.

Background Music : Kata By Hazami


shahril aley said...

FIRST in this entry :)
bagi aku kadang2 kita tak boleh nak tunjuk betapa caring nye seseorang itu dlm alam cyber. yg pasti tepuk dada tanyalah selera@hati. tak semestinye klu tak reply message kita tidak mengingati mereka. jangan jd mengarut dlm hal remeh-temeh ni....
P/S: aku tak suke hantar message tu mcm seseorg tu tak ikhlas nak berkawan plak. jgn mare nurul :)

Nurul Abid said...

Shahril - Whether the one sending me the message is sincere or not hanya dia saja yang tahu, I tak rugi apa-apa pun. I posted this on my blog instead because I think the words are so true and worth sharing with everybody be it the people I care about, strangers, blog friends, acquaintances etc as reminders and something we could ponder upon. No reply to the message expected or necessary.

No reason for me to be upset because everybody is entitled to their own opinion and interpretation...

P/S: Kalau chain letter yg kata something bad will happen to you if you don't forward the e-mail tu baru mengarut. Bukan saja mengarut tapi khurafat jugak...

Harajuku PearL said...

hey there nurul - new background ah...Pretty in PINK !!..

Pearl@HometengahboringcosPAtowork :((

Nurul Abid said...

Pearl - had no intention to change it but accidentally deleted the older template and saved the setting pulak tu. Had to redo everything all over again since I have customized the original template.

Pato works even on Saturday? Sounds like he works 24 7, as long as whatever amount of time you spent with each other is quality time, it's enough, right? Jauh jauh tu kan lebih sayang....I think...:)

Harajuku PearL said...

Oic Nurul..pandai betul u do yur own template..I ni terkial kial lah even nak buat posting..Kalau Pato, main tulis kat words aje..haha..
Btw, Pato is on shifts so tak sometimes weekend pun keja lah babe, so memang bila jumpa so many the stories... Now I dun have overseas assignments, tu yang I rasa lembab ni..


Nurul Abid said...

Pearl - itupun through trial and error. Just customized from the existing template. If you have to travel on overseas assignment, nanti have to be away from Pato kan? Sedih pilu pulak. I never did like travelling on business even locally. Dulu selalu kena turun JB because of work tapi I make sure it's just a day trip. Kalau holiday tu lain ler.