Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Hantu, Jin & Keranda

Pada hari Ahad yang lepas, aku berjalan di sebatang jalan yang gelap. Di kiri kanan cuma ada rimbunan pokok, angin bertiup sepoi-sepoi bahasa, sunyi sekali. Tak jauh, ada sebuah kereta Volkswagen Beetle berwarna kuning tersadai di tepi jalan. Aku mendekati kereta tersebut, dekat front seat ada batu nesan dan mayat seorang bayi yang telah dikapan. Aku tak boleh nak lari tapi aku teruskan berjalan dan memerhati sekeliling aku. Dalam samar-samar, aku terlihat pochong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!di celah-celah rimbunan pokok. Di belah kanan aku pulak, ada kubur. Mak!!!!

Ini kisah benar, betul-betul berlaku.....kat Muzium Shah Alam. Actually, kat sana from July until October ada pameran hantu, jin & keranda. Aku terbaca kat newspaper pasal pameran ni and out of curiousity, I went to find out what was it all about. It was not what I expected and a total disappointment. When I reached at a room with glass walls, it was so dark I could hardly make out what was inside. Yang nampak cuma benda putih atas lantai. Then, there were displays of djin dalam botol hanged to a tree, jenglot jantan, jenglot betina, djin, langsuir and toyol dalam bekas kaca. I imagine toyol ni warna hijau and mata merah tapi yang ni about 1 foot tall, kurus kering, warna hitam and gigi dia kecil macam gigi ikan. Langsuir pulak, kecil aje besar tapak tangan dengan rambut panjang keras macam landak. Tak macam yang dicerita dalam buku Tamar Jalis. One of the inscriptions yang I sempat baca, the djin was caught when it was sleeping with a woman and was not even preserved. Maknanya, djin dalam kaca tu betul punya ke? Subject to speculation! There was also an ugly looking duyung about 1.5 kaki displayed dalam kaca. Other objects displayed are kendi berbau hantu, tongkat ular, mayat dalam rumah, keranda and other objects related to the mystical world.

It was a disppointment because, not only there was not many objects displayed but there was not much information on the displayed objects. Nasib baik tak sampai 5 minit aku queue dalam barisan yang about 150 meters long to buy the tickets, ada mamat ni approached and sold extra tickets that he bought. Kalau tidak, sia-sia aje beratur panjang-panjang. Kalau objects yang displayed tu macam cerita Thirteenth Ghost, best gak.

Cerita pasal makhluk halus, ni, aku teringat my personal encounter with these creatures masa kat UiTM dulu.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looking for information and found it at this great site... »