Monday, November 12, 2007

Untuk Sesuap Nasi....Is It Worth It?

One of the personal things I never share in this blog is what I actually do for a living. Well, this summarizes is all.....

It was never made to be a job, it's a vocation. A career. Like priesthood or the nunnery, you have to be selfless. before yourself, others first. You must be self-secured, composed and self-assured. You must have self-respect. You cannot be bought.

Never fall in envy if others will be higher than you in kind. Never sob for there will be no word of compliment for you. You must never fail to teach, to bring forth the best in people. twenty-four hours a day work will never be enough. yet you still bear the burden of faults.

Smile even if it pains inside. Be resilient and strong. Exude a fresh and happy disposition. Be the sunshine to all. And when all else the pillar of strength.

Honor any information given to you. Keep it and know how to handle what others tell you. You must be trusted. Keep your doors open so people can see you. So people can talk to you.

Never show you tears. Freeze them. There is never a day-off in your career. You must learn to bring your office problems to bed. Color it if you must, so your dreams will be interesting. You will never be served. You must be tireless. You will not rest.

You will say "NO" when everyone says "YES!". When everyone actually wants to say "NO" but was afraid to say so. You chose a career that must sell and serve. So die if you must.

In this career, you will never be king or queen. But, you will be the MAKER.




shahril aley said...

Kerja apakah yang ditawarkan oleh Nurul ni? Ermmm belum tiba untuk bertukar angin....

Xis said...

kerja jadi pak andam... haha!

sooooooooo something, eh..?

Xis said...

nak jawab your pantun la...

dalam perahu ada semangka
semangka bercampur kulit kerang
statement tu kontroversi ka?
ahakss! rahsiamu ku simpan sorang2!

Nurul Abid said...

Shahril - sanggup ke buat kerja ni? U maybe the MAKER but u will hardly be worshipped...;)


Pisang emas di atas peti
Pisang montel dimakan aci
Tidak sedikit ragu di hati
Rahsia disimpan, bibir terkunci

shahril aley said...

tak kuasa nyah...ingat nyah keja andam tak boleh buat duit ke bang? kalau nak meh nyah tonyoh skit muke bang yg comel tu. hehehe...

sedang menggapai cite2 yang diidamkan dari dulu. selepas ni baru akan difikir ape impian seterusnya.ada cadangan?

Xis said...

you made me laugh for using that word.. I can't imagine u speaking that lingo.. :D

Dade Ghost said...

Nurul asal kerja halal ok la tu....

MAKER tu keje apa?? Hehehe... best of luck... bottom line be satisfied...

Nurul Abid said...

Xis - agaknya Shahril ni ada keje part-time tu. Aritu dia sms dia kata tengah attend kelas. Kelas Pak Andam lah tu.U boleh ler jadi model dier. :)

DG - he..he..mmg satisfied especially when u made a difference in other people's life no matter how small. Halal dengan logo JAKIM.

Anonymous said...

kak, bila la agaknya gaji kita nak sampai 15k kan? hiks!

Nurul Abid said...

Pap - Sampai 15K aje ke? Bila dah cecah 15k, 4 sure nak lebih and kehendak pun akan upgrade jugak. Sampai bila2 pun takkan cukup. Money ni mengikut theory Hertzberg hygiene factor, it's nice to have.

Nurul Abid said...

Shahril - termiss pulak respond ur comment. Camna nak bagi cadangan sebab x specify ur ambition. Kita sembang2 this Sunday ni, k?

shahril aley said...

nurul i dah cite ttg my ambition to u but tak de jawapan lagi. so macamane?

Nurul Abid said...

Shahril - cite tadi tebuk2, tak complete tapi I basically have an idea what u mean. E-mail to Cik Sri Siantan at with the details and I'll give u my 2 cents.

Dade Ghost said...

Hi, memang sengaja tak update ke??

Nurul Abid said...

DG - writer's block ler..he he.