This is not addressed to The BF. We are ok and going strong each day in spite of the distance. I am referring to a caller from mobile phone no. +019369xxxx. It all started last Saturday night when a text message from this unfamiliar number came in:-
February 16, 2008
+6019369xxxx : Malam ni futsal tau
Me : Who is this?
+6019369xxxx : Ni orng putih ke..sorry la...! Sy orng malaysia tau (Eh, buat lawak yang tak lawak pulak!)
Me : Ni siapa? Klu x bgtau malas nak layan
+6019369xxxx : Name sy badrul..silap no la! U ni siapa?
At this point, aku malas nak reply coz I don't know anyone by that name. But within the next 10 minutes, there were 3 incoming calls from the number. Aku just pressed button busy rejecting the calls followed by a text message.
Me : Tlg jgn call sy. Sy x kenal sesiapa nama badrul
+6019369xxxx : Ye tahu 2! Sy pun x knl awak, sy ni bkan suka ganggu org 2 pn kebetulan je
+6019369xxxx : Sy nk tel awak skrg ni leh x! lpas 2 sy x akan ganggu awak tau k
Me : Untuk apa? Jgnlah buang masa awk. Sy x berminat. (This was the last text message from me)
+6019369xxxx : Ape la awak ni! Sy pun mcm 2 jugak tau..lgi pn bkan nk jumpa, cuma tel je salah ke
+6019369xxxx : Bleh la ye tel awak ea.
+6019369xxxx : Ye la sy ankat kaki ingat awak ni anak tan seri ke d'tuk
Aku hidup-hidup ingatkan dia betul-betul dah angkat kaki but half an hour later around 11 p.m. he called. I ignored the call and let the phone rang until it stopped.
Just when I thought that would be the last time I would hear from him......
February 17, 2008
+6019369xxxx : Askum (An hour later)
+6019369xxxx : Happy morning
Wah...sungguh persistent betul Mamat ni
February 18, 2008
+6019369xxxx : Hi happy morning, have a nice day pls don't get angrey! As a friend it normal. Las pls forget it k by. new friends.
Honestly I don't know what was he talking about but I hope it means adios! But at noon, I received a picture message of a rose from him. ???????
Some people just don't get it. When someone says no, it's a NOlah! I didn't think I misled him or give him the wrong impression. Tang mana yang tak faham tu entahlah. Nak kena cakap NO in 14 different languages ke, baru nak faham! But I have to give him credit for his persistence though he is just wasting his time and money. Kalau aku reply makin galak pula dia, so I am going to continue ignoring his text messages and calls. Hopefully he got fed up and give up.........